Datto RMM User Guide
Kinetix uses Datto RMM as its default Remote Monitoring and Management tool (as of Summer 2020—replacing Kaseya VSA) for accessing information on and remotely controlling workstations and servers. This guide is to help client employees who leverage Datto RMM for internal IT activities.
Many of the links below take you directly to Datto support pages—check out Datto RMM Help for a full list of guides.
This page contains the following sections:
Log into Datto RMM
First login
When logging into Datto RMM the first time, do the following:
Go to auth.datto.com/login
Enter your email address, click Forgot Your Password? link, and follow prompts to complete the reset
Follow the prompts to set up MFA using Google Authenticator or your OTP app of choice
Log out of Datto RMM
Log into Autotask through the OneLogin portal
Hover over the Autotask menu (hamburger icon, upper left) and click Datto RMM
Enter your Datto RMM creds again and authenticate via MFA
When prompted to link your accounts for SSO, click Link
Logging in normally
After the initial setup, log in this way:
Log into Autotask through the Kinetix OneLogin portal
Hover over the Autotask menu (hamburger icon, upper left) and click Datto RMM
Find a Device
Use one of the following methods to locate a device
Use the Search bar (top center)
Searches multiple fields by default
Click the down arrow to specify a search field
Browse by Sites, which group devices by client (similar to Machine Groups in VSA)
Use Filters and Groups, which work across different Sites to show subsets of devices (filters are dynamic, groups are static)
Access Device Info
Click the Device Hostname to open its Device Summary page and view system info
Interact With a Device
There are two main ways to interact with a Device:
On the Device Summary page:
Click Remote Actions:
New Screenshot takes a screenshot
Connect to Device opens the Agent Browser
Splashtop establishes remote control
Mac users will need to allow Splashtop in Privacy settings
Privacy Mode allows a user or a policy to prevent remote connections
Connect (SSH) opens the Agent Browser to offer Command Shell options
Web Remote is a alternative, HTML5 remote control interface that’s currently in beta
Click the Actions menu for more advanced actions
In a Device List:
Hover over the Context menu (hamburger icon to the right of the checkbox) to jump to Remote Actions or shortcuts to sections of the Device Summary page
Install the Datto RMM Agent
If a new or wiped device needs an agent installed, click to download or email the Agent installer.
Note the following:
Each client has their own RMM agent install link
The RMM Windows agent works for all versions of Windows including Windows Server.
The RMM Mac agent works on all versions of macOS including Catalina.
Leverage the Autotask PSA Integration
The Autotask/Datto RMM integration is configured to synchronize Devices in Datto RMM to Configuration Items in Autotask. Please note the following:
You can connect an Autotask ticket to one or more Devices by adding its Configuration Item to the ticket
After completing a Splashtop session or other Remote Actions, you're prompted to add the activity as a Note to a new or existing Autotask ticket
Other Datto RMM Help
If you encounter any issues that can’t be resolved using the instructions above or the Datto RMM Help page, please contact the Kinetix help desk.